The Documentary "Koran im Kopf II" ("Qur’an in my head - part II") is ready.
In this new documentary Barino, a young german who converted to islam, tells Antonio Cascais that "there are moderate Muslims, but - at the other hand - Islam itself is not moderate". Also, because of the Islamic mandates that apostates, blasphemers, and heretics must be killed - mandates which are also rooted in the Qur'an and the teachings of Muhammad - these reformers are often threatened and sometimes actually killed by Muslims who believe they have strayed from the Noble Path...
broadcasting date:
2008, August, 27th broadcasting time: first emission: 10.30 pm - 11.15 pm, wdr tv
 Please click on the image above to watch the trailer.
Further Information at : or PDF German language
Interview with António Cascais in or PDF German language Article on the documentary "Qur'an in my head II",
published by the german Radiostation "" PDF German language
Article on the documentary "Qur'an in my head II",
published by the german magazine "Spiegel Online" PDF German language
Article on the documentary
published by the german newspaper "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" PDF German language
Article on the documentary
published in the german media
magazine PRO PDF German language
Article on "Qur'an in my head II" published by the german daily newspaper "Kölner Stadtanzeiger" PDF German language
Article on Antonio Cascais' documentary published
by the german diary "Express" PDF German language
Barino explains why he left Islam in the internet blog
"duesseldorf blog" PDF German language
If you missed watching the movie on TV - you can watch it on
First Part | Second Part | Third Part | Fourth Part | Fifth Part
Barino is invited to the RTL TV show "sternTV". Watch Barino in German SternTV talking about his personal experience within Islam
Please click on the image above to watch the interview.